Coronavirus Hysteria

Writes Tim McGraw:

Hi Lew,

I’m watching yesterday’s (Feb 26th) Tucker Carlson show. And that Dr. Siegel in Omaha cracks me up. I grew up in Lincoln, Nebraska. All the photo shots of danger! danger! danger! are hilarious! People walking around in space suits with air tubes to their helmets in the Omaha hospital Good grief!

And I love the fact that the woman in quarantine has a treadmill in her room for exercise. LOL! She looks healthy to me.

My Dad almost died of viral pneumonia two months ago. I’ve heard that viral pneumonia kills 1 million Chinese every year. Viral pneumonia is a type of corona virus.

Panic is never good for liberty.

I had a bad cold from flying to KC and back last week. It’s finally receding. Germs are everywhere. Wash your hands and eat right and exercise.
