Britain’s 1st Gender Fluid Family

Writes a friend:

It is still shocking to me how normalized this movement has become.  I was in a grocery store yesterday and saw a grade school boy, clutching his Barbie Doll – my involuntary reaction of dismay was overt.

Last week, part of my son’s first literature assignment was to read an excerpt from the book “A Landscape of Dragons’ by Catholic author Michael O’Brien,  I was not familiar with this book, but perhaps you are?  The excerpt was the first part of the the Chapter 4 – The Mortal Foe of my Children – The New Illiteracy.  Worth a read, see the first 4 1/2 pages here.

The excerpt also reminded me of two other articles you recently sent me (smart phones related to teen depression & Harry Potter pseudo-religion).  While I am thrilled that our little school is sound in it’s teachings and subject matter, sadly the author of this book is all too correct in his assessment.  Each generation is declining further and faster than ever before, as the masses seem to only be in pursuit of pleasure, because they lack the foundation, mindset & discipline to seek the truth.
