About red flag laws

Writes Sven Thommesen:

Just saw your humorous (?) post on the “massive knife attack” prompting a need for red flag knife confiscation laws.

But let’s widen the scope a little bit. “Red Flag” laws are intended to allow the government to confiscate guns from individuals whose political ideas or mental state might cause them to use those guns as tools to harm others. And not only will the government use data they themselves have collected, and data collected by social media companies, but they encourage each and every one of us to “inform” on people we find suspicious (or perhaps, on people we don’t like or whose politics we disapprove of …)

But there is a kind of tool that is infnitely more potent and harmful than some individual handgun: political power! And we don’t need secret databases to figure out who might use it for harm: 99% of those running for political office, or seeking work with a government department, do plan to use the power of their offices to harm at least some people!

So how about this: in the name of Safety, we outlaw political power …

Just a humble suggestion 😉
