Whatever Happened to the “Free-Rider Problem”?

The ideological cornerstone of statism in a democracy is the so-called “free-rider problem.”  We desperately want and need what the statists call “public goods” (a.k.a., things we don’t really want and are unwilling to pay for), but some of us are so stingy and selfish that we won’t voluntarily pay for them.  Therefore, the theory goes, we must be forced to pay through coercive taxation, enforced with threats of lengthy prison sentences for non-payers.

Now here comes the most popular president in American history (according to the alleged number of votes in the recent presidential election) who has allocated billions of taxpayer dollars to a propaganda/pressure/intimidation campaign to get more Americans to subject themselves to being injected with an experimental, non-FDA-approved, gene therapy drug that some misleadingly and falsely label a “vaccine.”  But if we really so desperately want and need the experimental gene therapy drug, why is there a need for the propaganda/pressure/intimidation campaign?  According to the theory of the free rider, we all want to be treated like lab rats.  The problem is that some of us want a free lunch and are too stingy to pay for it.  We don’t need to be intimidated or forced to take the drug according to the theory of the free rider.

The lab rats must be having a good ole time laughing their rats’ asses off at how the shoe is finally on the other foot with humans being the experimental subjects of weird and bizarre new drugs and not them.


7:09 pm on March 17, 2021