What Elizabeth Warren and Rachel Dolezal Have in Common

Remember Rachel Dolezal, the young white girl who claimed to be black because she had a bit of a suntan and curly brown hair, an African cornrow hairdo, and was employed by a local NAACP organization?  Her gig was up when both of her white parents outed her as a white girl.  She and Elizabeth Warren are ideological soul sisters in that they both repudiate Martin Luther King, Jr.’s famous admonition that he hoped his children and grandchildren would be judged by the content of their character and not the color of their skin.  Not for Warren and Dolezol. No sir.  Like all other American socialists today they believe that character, behavior, and merit are nothing compared to being associated with one of the Left’s Official Victim Groups.  Warren apparently believes that this is so important that the fact that there may be a one-in-a-million chance that one of her ancesters six, seven, or ten generations ago may have copulated with and American Indian — and not anything she has done in her life — establishes her as a legitimate candidate for the job of president of the United States.


11:31 am on October 16, 2018