“Walking Jack” Perry: Politically-Correct Hate Crimes

Let me give you a clue how to read between the lines of mainstream news. Now, we all hear daily how “hate crimes” have increased since Trump got elected. And, they were going on before he was elected and reported as such, often before an actual motive was assigned. The news and often the judicial system would jump to a conclusion that some assault was a hate crime before they’d even gotten a hold of the suspect. Ok, fine, we know that.

But when you see a crime mentioned where a person of a non-protected demographic group is attacked for seemingly no reason, and the news is reluctant to offer conjecture about the motive. Or the cops, days later, are going, “Gosh, we can’t figure out what the motive was…” Or the news and the cops will not describe the suspect(s) beyond height and weight (Gosh, that certainly narrows it down, eh?) Then you can be sure this was a hate crime, too, but not a politically correct one. One that will not be prosecuted as one, in many cases.

So when you see the cops and the press waffling on motive when a non-protected person has been attacked for no reason, you can bet they darn well know what the motive was but political correctness won’t let them admit it or say it. Even when cops are killed because someone targets them, the press and judicial system will move sky and earth to wiggle around that one. “Um, uh, the guy was, um, uh, well, crazy…” Excuse me, but don’t pin that on the mentally ill. I’ve seen enough of that. Don’t protect one group at the expense of another that doesn’t deserve to be the scapegoat of political correctness hypocrisy. If it’s a hate crime, call it one. If it’s terrorism, call it that. If it’s anti-cop violence, admit it. But stop hiding behind the mentally ill to excuse the violence you don’t want to tell the TRUTH about. Period.

———-Walking Jack Perry


1:02 pm on December 3, 2016