Vote-by-Mail Fraud

Vote fraud exists. It’s always existed. That’s what stuffing the ballot box means.

Trump is 100% correct. Mass mail-in ballots are an invitation to mass fraud. Many elections are close. The fraud can easily shift a contest.

Even voting by internet is subject to high fraud risk.

COVID-19 is an excuse to promote a voting method that’s open to several kinds of fraud.

Democrats like Newsom of California continue their campaign to gain power, even if it means undermining elections.

Mail-in voting only bypasses mass fraud if there are strong controls over the balloting process, start to finish. Are such controls in place? No. One cannot count on state governments to manage such a new system without exposing the vote to all sorts of improper gambits. Political operatives will run circles around election officials. And in some cases, they’ll be in league with one another.


8:19 pm on May 26, 2020