Vincent Dunn’s Explanation of Trade Towers Collapse

Deputy Fire Chief Vincent Dunn (ret.) suggests that the reason for the Trade Towers collapse was their construction. Dunn points to worsening changes in building codes over the preceding 50 years, brought about by political pressures of builders. (By the way, that article has one photo of the rubble, and it’s not all dust.)

When building codes are created by government, they are a minimum for all builders. There is little or no incentive for builders to improve their methods. Competition loses its effectiveness because the code organizes builders into a cartel. Safety innovation declines. The codes become a target for political pressures to weaken them. Building inspectors can be corrupted. Construction lobbying funds and political contributions enter the picture. These codes become a way for builders to avoid liability. Courts are reluctant to make it easy to sue for negligence or code violations.

Going back in time, the Trade Towers tragedy is inextricably linked to the preceding foreign policies of the U.S. government and to failures of FBI and CIA intelligence leading up to the event. Going forward in time, it’s linked to the misconceived war on terror and to U.S. aggression in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, Pakistan and Syria.

Both the U.S. government and the country were thrown off balance, nurturing social and political disequilibrium in the shadow of 9/11 and what followed. Neither has yet recovered. There is a pronounced uncertainty, as if waiting for the other shoe to drop. Neither one to this day is on a good foot or on the right foot. Good feelings, humor and consideration in the public forum have given way to hysterics, vulgarity, insults and bitterness. The marked change in police behavior from helpful to abusive is an example of the change. However, I think 9/11 was not only cause but catalyst for social and political negatives, anti-libertarian ideas and policies, that were already in place prior to that event.


8:44 am on September 16, 2017