Unwinnable Wars and Wars Not Worth Winning

The most powerful militaries in the world have not brought peace to Iraq or Afghanistan after 10 years and trillions of dollars and hundreds of thousands of lives lost, wrecked, and maimed. The bombs are still going off in both countries and still killing both soldiers and civilians. They make headlines every day.

What is there to celebrate? Not the glory of these wars, rather their futility. Let us celebrate the limitations of these powerful military establishments and take the steps drastically to reduce their importance in every way possible. They should be mothballed. The last glory days that military supporters can make any claim to celebrate had to do with World War II. That’s 70 years ago. That’s a long time ago. There’s no longer anything to celebrate and there hasn’t been anything to celebrate since. Take the military machine apart and stow it. I’ll celebrate that.


11:16 am on May 30, 2011