Trump Banned from Getting Truth About Corruption?

Who’s right? Trump or Schiff?

Trump says “China should start an investigation into the Bidens, because what happened in China is just about as bad as what happened with Ukraine.” Trump also says his aim is to investigate corruption. “As the President of the United States, I have an absolute right, perhaps even a duty, to investigate, or have investigated, CORRUPTION, and that would include asking, or suggesting, other Countries to help us out!” “This isn’t about a Campaign, this is about Corruption on a massive scale!”

Schiff says that Trump’s request is “a fundamental breach of the president’s oath of office”.

How does Trump contravene his oath to protect and defend our Constitution by asking other leaders to investigate corruption that American leaders like Biden may have been involved with? That’s defending the administration of justice. That’s protecting the proper execution of our laws. There is prima facie evidence pointing to serious corruption involving Biden and his son, enough to warrant investigation in the lands in which it occurred.

Schiff wants to throttle any such investigation. He wants to deny Trump’s common sense requests to China and Ukraine. He argues that Trump is “urging a foreign country to interfere in our presidential elections”. If an American criminal currently on our soil is suspected of having murdered people in Canada, don’t you think that some branches of our justice system will be doing their jobs by contacting their counterparts in Canada for cooperation?

Schiff wants Biden to get a pass on allegations of corruption that appear to have substance. He thinks this is okay because Biden’s campaigning for his party’s nomination. Schiff’s position is not right. Indeed, from the standpoint of justice, it’s senseless. Neither should Hillary Clinton and the DNC have gotten a pass in 2016 from the FBI. Neither should the FBI get a pass for its own corruption. The accidental or incidental fact that someone runs for office doesn’t foreclose or halt their fundamental exposure to the procedures of justice. Biden should not be escaping scrutiny just because he happens to be running for president. In fact, that’s all the more reason to investigate his dealings in the past.

Since when is finding the truth by means of judicial investigations illegal? How does that become electoral interference? Where is it written that foreign evidence of wrongdoing must be buried if it involves someone running for office here? Why are legal and appropriate investigations, here or abroad, slandered as election interference? Why are proper activities of any president charged with carrying out our laws slandered as unconstitutional election interference?

Trump’s case is much stronger then Schiff’s because justice is served by investigating Biden. It’s stronger because there is no electoral interference being initiated by China or Ukraine to sway or disturb the Democrats from choosing whomever they please. Schiff cannot demonstrate this and he hasn’t. He’s accusing Trump of wanting it and encouraging it, but the facts are otherwise. Trump has sought justice, and if the fallout happens to be negative for Biden, that cannot be helped. It’s not Trump’s doing that Biden’s son seems to have profited handsomely from his dad’s trips to Ukraine and China as Obama’s vice-president.

Schiff’s turn is coming. His own corruption is going to be exposed too. And if Trump has acted corruptly, that too will come to light. We absolutely need truth to proceed. We will get nowhere by banning and denying Trump or any justice official from using the proper tools appropriately. When they don’t, then they too must be held to account. Getting to the bottom of the corruption that pervades the Russiagate hoax takes absolute precedence over any purported electoral interference for which, in fact, there is no evidence at this time. Impeachment of Trump at this time and with the available evidence, such as the nonsensical Ukraine contrivance, is an improper use of a proper tool. For this the Democrats in the House will have to bear the responsibility and the repercussions.


9:04 pm on October 4, 2019