Toxic Feminism Infects Vanderbilt University

Vanderbilt’s football team apparently lost its kicker to an injury, so the coach was pressured by the feminism and cultural Marxism-obsessed administration to replace him with a girl from the school soccer team.  Not the men’s soccer team, but the women’s soccer team.  So petite little Sarah Fuller took off her  girly soccer player short shorts and dressed up in a football  player costume on Saturday after “joining the team” on Tuesday.  She was allowed to performs one kickoff, which went a measly 30 yards.  For this she was allowed to lecture the team at halftime and was named SEC special teams player of the week along with a real football player from the University of Florida who specializes in kick returns.

For those of you who don’t follow football the kicker is, in addition to kicking, expected to be the last line of defense against a runback should the rest of the team fail to tackle the kickoff receiver.  He is expected, in other words, to have a chance of tackling a 180 pound ball of muscle who can run 40 yards in about 4 seconds.


7:08 am on December 2, 2020