There Ain’t No Such Thing As The Female-Male Pay Gap Due To Discrimination

From: S
Sent: Thursday, December 06, 2018 7:08 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Study on gender pay gap in nursing

Hello Prof. Block.

I met you at Mises U this last year and I had talked to you about several topics including secession, and gender pay gap. I wanted to see if you would help me with something if you have the time. I am a nurse who has a layman understanding of Austrian Econ and statistics. There has been a study bandied around regarding the Gender Pay Gap in Nursing. I read the paper on it and I see things that make me weary of the findings. They don’t specify what they control the hours at, and several other things in the study between men and women.

If you don’t mind, could you take a look at the study and help me pick it apart? If you do not have the inclination or the time, could you direct me to someone who could. I appreciate your time. The study is at this link.

Thank you. S

Dear S:

Sorry, I don’t have the time to pick this apart, nor do I know of anyone who would do so, that is, for free.

The usual errors made by studies of the sort you sent me are: they don’t take into account that men apply more for promotion than women, are willing to accept less flexible hours, have fewer child commitments. Here are some readings on this sort of thing. I hope and trust this biblio will be of help to you in your quest:

Machaj, Mateusz. 2018. “The Wage-Gap Debate Is Based on Junk Science.” January 2;

Boudreaux, Don. 2017. “When It Comes to Statistics, the Chief Operating Officer of Facebook Appears Clueless When It Comes to the “Wage Gap”.” April 3;

Cowley, Felicia A. 2017. “Are Markets Sexist?” September 29;

Wenzel, Robert. 2016.“This Fact About Lesbians Is Driving Lefties Crazy.” February 15;

Pay gap:

Lehmann, Claire. 2018. “Why is There a Pay Gap Between Male and Female Uber Drivers?.” February 6;

equal pay: end of men, 1974

Perry, Mark J. 2014. “Once you impose the ‘ceteris paribus’ condition, the alleged 23% gender pay gap starts to quickly evaporate.” April 2;

Lukas, Carrie. 2011. “There Is No Male-Female Wage Gap: A study of single, childless urban workers between the ages of 22 and 30 found that women earned 8% more than men.” Wall Street Journal, April 12;

wage gap: “Study: Higher education playing bigger role in gender wage gap”

Pay gap: equal pay: end of men, 1974

Perry, Mark J. 2014. “Once you impose the ‘ceteris paribus’ condition, the alleged 23% gender pay gap starts to quickly evaporate.” April 2;

Lukas, Carrie. 2011. “There Is No Male-Female Wage Gap: A study of single, childless urban workers between the ages of 22 and 30 found that women earned 8% more than men.” Wall Street Journal, April 12;

Hoff-Summers, Christina. 2017. “Male-female wage gap.” March 7;

Woods, Tom. 2017. “That Male-Female Wage Gap.”  February 4;

Writing. How to be a good writer

June O’Neil:…0.0…1c.1.9.psy-ab.q-amspWZ70I&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.45512109,d.eWU&fp=aef67418749e9333&biw=1600&bih=760

March 25, 2009. New Orleans, LA. Loyola University New Orleans, Economics Club. “Is the capitalist system guilty of racism, sexism? No.: Walter E. Block responds to his politically correct critics, defending against charges of racism and sexism. Pay gap. Glass Ceiling.;;;

Block, Walter E. 2014. “The Cost of Being female: Rejoinder to Sayers.” Review of Social and Economic Issues, Vol. 1, No. 1, Summer, pp. 37-69;

Block, Walter E. 2012. “Several fatal flaws mar the feminist movement: Perspectives on Feminism,” March 1;

The battle with the diversity task force at Loyola New Orleans, Maryland:

March 25, 2009. New Orleans, LA. Loyola University New Orleans, Economics Club. “Is the capitalist system guilty of racism, sexism? No.: Walter E. Block responds to his politically correct critics, defending against charges of racism and sexism.;

July 30 – Aug 6 Auburn, AL. Mises University 22; Lectures on interventionism, private property, Fallacies of Public Finance, A Critique of Public Choice on Government, Health Economics equal pay, discrimination and the glass ceiling;;

November 5, 2009. Lexington, Virginia 24450; Washington and Lee University Law School, 5:15pm, Sydney Lewis Hall. AKA “The Law School,” room B; Topic: The Market is NOT Sexist nor Racist: the Black-White, the Male-Female Wage Gap and the Glass Ceiling; mms://

Best regards,



4:41 pm on April 4, 2019