The West Boosted ISIS

The West didn’t create ISIS, but it boosted it. To quote Ardeshir Zarei-Ghanavati,

“…the most strategic mistake made in the field of regional geopolitics, which enabled terrorist groups to take advantage of these countries as breeding grounds, was the support of international power hegemony for violent developments in countries like Libya, Syria and Iraq, which aimed to bring down secular governments that were not in line with international hegemony. Now, untoward consequences of that strategic mistake is currently evident in the form of the existing ugly picture of regional conditions.”

Let’s be clear about this. Bush 2 did Iraq. Obama did Libya and Syria. The reasons or excuses for these blunders that have been sold to the American public are all inexcusable, wrong and wrong-headed pretexts. Among other factors that I won’t go into, American leaders were seduced by and infatuated with U.S. power and its supposed possibilities as a tool.

This seduction-infatuation factor will not go away as long as the U.S. government remains as powerful as it is. The result of it is that leaders cannot see reality clearly. Because of this power, they believe that they know more and can accomplish more than they actually can. Every future government faces the same seduction.


11:56 am on July 5, 2015