The ‘Progressive’ Mind: The U.S. Government Is Magic

In my daily reading of the editorial page of the New York Times, I always am struck at the delusion of the “Progressives,” who seem to believe that if the U.S. Government (under “Progressives” who “believe in government”) prints enough money and uses enough coercion, then it can do magical things like transform whole countries into model societies or “create jobs” that lift thousands out of poverty. Today, the NYT editorializes on Afghanistan, repeating the canard that all it takes is wisdom “to help build up a government that Afghans would be willing to fight for.” Yes, the editors actually said that.

On the economic front, we find an MIT economist claiming that if the government forces up minimum wage, that it will help create not “just more jobs, but more good jobs.” Furthermore, “studies show” that this won’t affect “job growth.” Yes, delusion reigns and it is not going to get any better.


11:58 pm on September 5, 2011