The Politically Incorrect Guide to Capitalism

I’m about to interview Bob Murphy, author of The Politically Incorrect Guide to Capitalism, on Revolution Broadcasting. Tune in from 2:00-3:00 ET!


12:52 pm on June 10, 2008

The Politically Incorrect Guide to Capitalism

Jamie Glazov interviews Robert Murphy on his wonderful new book. (Thanks to Steve Bartin for the URL.)


11:29 am on April 18, 2007

The Politically Incorrect Guide to Capitalism

This is the first I’ve heard of this latest entry in the Politically Incorrect Guide series (which has been a lot better than the silly title would lead you to expect) and it is by our own Robert Murphy!

Murphy starts at the beginning with a basic explanation of what capitalism really is – then dives fearlessly into hot topics like outsourcing (why it’s good for Americans) … zoning restrictions (why they’re not) … what the difference is between laissez-faire and regulation (and why laissez-faire is better) … why central planning never has worked and never will work … how prices operate in a free market (and why socialist schemes like rent control always backfire) … how labor unions actually hurt working people more than they help them … why increasing the minimum wage is always a bad idea … and much more.

[Thanks Paleo Blog]


2:07 pm on March 21, 2007