“The Old Canard that the North Went to War to Abolish Slavery”

Mike Tennant takes note of what I’ve known for quite some time: Everything is a legitimate topic of research, discussion and debate in the field of American history EXCEPT The Legend of Father Abraham. George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and all other president are acceptable targets of critique, but not Dishonest Abe.

The comments in response to Jim Powell’s article on “History News Network” show this, and they also show that these politically-correct historians know that what I and others, such as Tom Woods, Don Livingston, and Charles Adams have been saying is correct: Lincoln was not an abolitionist and did not invade the South to free the slaves. The title of this blog post does not come from me, but from one of the PC History News Network’s discussants. From time to time they will let the truth slip out, but their careers are primarily devoted to creating a giant smokescreen around such facts to minimize the public’s realization of them. That’s what it means to be a “Lincoln scholar,” I have learned.

I don’t read “History News Network” very often, but it seems that every time someone sends me a link to the site it is mostly Beltway political correctness disquised as “scholarship,” and quite often seems to have nothing at all to do with history.


6:42 am on February 7, 2008