The non-elites are hackable humans and “rats.”

This talk is from Davos in January 2020. Those who have no prior knowledge of what “Davos” is, or what it means, look it up. And shame on your lack of knowledge. The Davos 2021 Agenda is where the global initiative “The Great Reset” will be fully encapsulated and launched by global bureaucrat billionaires who are very candid about *manipulating* a fabricated crisis – Coronavirus – to “reset priorities” around the world; abolish money in favor of a digital currency; abolish private property; eliminate democracy; and reshape humanity though artificial intelligence (called “transhumanism”).

Elite globalists pledge to destroy US sovereignty and undermine US elections in order to keep those who are amenable to globalism (the Far-Left Democratic Party) in power. There are many more of these speeches available ’round the web that have occurred at previous Davos gatherings, and elsewhere.

“We are no longer human souls. We are hackable animals,” he says. Harari correctly states that the power of AI (artificial intelligence) will give the human species the power “to annihilate itself.” That, he says, can be avoided by forcing leaders to give up sovereignty in favor of agreed-upon global rules. Harari specifically singles out Trump and his “America First” jingoism, along with American individualism and freedom activism.

Harari notes that algorithms will replace human decision-making, as they “might tell us where to work and who to marry, and also decide whether to hire us for a job, whether to give us a loan, and whether the central bank should raise the interest rate.” All authority will shift from humans to algorithms, thereby losing “the meaning of human life.” He refers to the outcome of this loss of human life as an unknown, with “no models available” to understand the outcomes.

In other words, grand human experimentation in order to destroy capitalism and advance the “Billionaire First” Big Tech-AI agenda.

The shutdowns and lockdowns of 2020-2021 were long ago discussed, planned, simulated, and given a green light. There are videos of these discussions from Event 201, hosted by Bill and Melinda gates, that took place in the fall of 2019. Go look at the material.

A few more quotes from this article:

–> In the coming decades, AI and biotechnology will give us godlike abilities to reengineer life, and even to create completely new life-forms. After four billion years of organic life shaped by natural selection, we are about to enter a new era of inorganic life shaped by intelligent design.

–> Whenever a leader says something like “My Country First!” we should remind that leader that no nation can prevent nuclear war or stop ecological collapse by itself, and no nation can regulate AI and bioengineering by itself.

–> Unfortunately, just when global cooperation is more needed than ever before, some of the most powerful leaders and countries in the world are now deliberately undermining global cooperation. Leaders like the US president tell us that there is an inherent contradiction between nationalism and globalism, and that we should choose nationalism and reject globalism.


10:24 am on January 26, 2021