The Neo-Republic

Justin Raimondo on the oldest Capitol Hill hate sheet:

There is not a single war in modern American history that The New Republic, since its founding in 1914, hasn’t enthused over. The magazine made a name for itself immediately by hailing World War I as a grand crusade to make the world safe for democracy. World War II was its heyday, as it screamed abuse at antiwar dissenters and demanded their jailing. Vietnam was, for TNR, another test of American resolve: the editors backed the Hubert Humphrey-Scoop Jackson wing of the Democratic Party, while antiwar protesters were beaten in the streets. Iraq War I, Iraq War II, and the much-anticipated attack on Iran that’s even now waiting in the wings – the [mag] lives to praise such folly. [Its] endorsement is the equivalent of the Good War-Making Seal of Approval.


8:28 am on November 19, 2008