The Latest Attack on Walter Block by the Campus Marxist Left

David Henderson explains in detail here.  Apparently, three anonymous (to Walter) students told some huge lies about Walter to the university administration at Loyola University-New Orleans.  Read David Henderson’s post on and you will see what I mean.  (For example, they accuse Walter of saying women and blacks are paid less than white males “because they are lazy”).  Ridiculous.  He never would say anything so stupid.

Walter’s reprehensible academic vice president threatens “disciplinary action,” which sounds like firing, over unproven and anonymous accusations that Walter is apparently not even entitled to respond to.   This lying hack of an academic bureaucrat says that “we” will decide Walter’s fate with no due process whatsoever at some kind of kangaroo court.

When I first heard of this it certainly rang a bell.  I used to work at another Jesuit institution, Loyola University Maryland, where the Marxist ideologue administrators were just as ignorant and evil.  A few years ago two jokers showed up in my undergraduate law and economics class who were not economics students, but I let them in because they had at least taken principles of economics.  They attended only three or four classes during the first seven weeks of the course, and flunked the first exam, a take-home essay exam.  All the other students wrote 3-5 pages per answer whereas these two wrote one or two sentence answers, and it was all gibberish to boot.  They dropped the class just before the drop deadline.  But not before going to the dean and complaining that I had presented incorrect information about some Supreme Court cases discussed in class.  I informed the dean that the said cases were actually printed in full in one of the textbooks, Economic Liberties and the Constitution, by Bernard Siegan, so that it would have been impossible for me to have just made things up about them as the two jokers claimed.  They also told the dean that they feared retribution from me at grade time if I found out about what they had said.  They said this while fully intending to drop the class and not receiving any grade.

I smelled a rat from the beginning here, based on past exposure to the priest-collared “social justice crowd” on campus, as one of my students called them.  Marxist ideologues hiding behind priests’ collars would be more accurate.  I was convinced that the whole little scam was organized by them, using the two student idiots as pawns.   I suspect this is also exactly what is going on here in the latest smear of Walter Block by the moral and intellectual frauds who run Loyola University-New Orleans.  It’s all a part of the social justice warrior playbook.


7:14 pm on December 23, 2021