Or Joe got Quaaludes instead. Complete and utter disaster for Biden. Just the first two minutes were devastating. Pale, congested, speaking with little more vigor than a whisper and way too fast. Stumbling, mumbling, confused. Acted like he memorized a ton and was struggling to retrieve it in the right order and place. Visited with World War I soldiers in France recently. (?!) Weird, dazed zombie look while Trump was speaking. When he doesn’t have the crutch of a teleprompter, he’s lost.
Trump: strong, usual orange look and thus appearing much more lifelike than Biden. Mostly coherent thoughts except in a couple places. Could have done better for his side but was strong enough.
Biden closing statement: taxes? Really? Stumbling, mumbling, all over the place in terms of topic.
Trump closing statement: border, military, Israel. Overall, not great for liberty but definitely more coherent than Biden.
11:43 pm on June 27, 2024