Thanks to Neil Young

The old hippie Neil Young recently demanded that Spotify dump Joe Rogan, with whom they signed a $100 million deal, or he will take all of his music off of Spotify.  Spotify quickly told Young to go play in the traffic, and dumped his ancient jingles.

One thing we should be thankful to Neil Young for, however, is that he inspired Lynyrd Skynyrd to write the song “Sweet Home Alabama.”  When they sang “Southern man don’t need him around anyhow . . .” they were referring to Neil Young and one of his songs complaining about Southern man.

I always detested sanctimonious, holier-than-thou Yankees like Neil Young who, like me, grew up in the highly-segregated North, but condemned only Southerners for segregation.  (Young is from the really Deep North, Canada, now a big totalitarian communist commune, and yet had the chutzpah to write songs complaining about American men in the Southern states.  This despite the fact that he probably never spent a single day there in his life.  Or in “racially-sensitive” Chicago, Boston, or New York where fans threw beer bottles at Jackie Robinson when he integrated major league baseball ).


7:04 am on January 27, 2022