Thank You, Ron Paul

For your comments on your FaceBook page:

Please see my friend Lew Rockwell’s very kind words about my new book, Swords into Plowshares. Have you reserved your copy?

Ron’s book is of extraordinary importance, for families and nations. Ron is advocating not only peaceful libertarianism, but the doctrine of the Prince of Peace. Ron calls us to freedom and non-violence, and away from the evil and insanity of aggression and war. The bad people in the world, especially those running governments and arms companies, do not want you to read this book. They want it buried in one of their endless government cemeteries.

Ron’s book started at #236,000 on Amazon, and how is #273. That’s great, but it’s not enough. We need to drop below 200, on the way to #1 on July 17th, publication date. Pre-order one or more copies, for Ron’s sake, and for the sake everything else we believe in. Soon it will be Ron’s 80th birthday. Help celebrate it with this historic book.


3:23 pm on July 9, 2015