Someone Besides A Country Singer Bombed in Nashville

An “old soldier of fortune” who knows explosives analyzes the bombing in Nashville:

the AT&T relay center.  Took the brunt.

Comms got taken out hard

As well as the airport’s Air Traffic Control grid.

So… to me?  That’s a very specific attack

Communication Decapitation

So, a puzzle within a conundrum.

I ain’t no expert by far.  I have however been around enough VBIEDs and IEDs and the aftermath to say this was a really BIG … ka-boom, with multiple layers of safeties built in, with the PA system being one I’ve never heard of before.  The closest I can think of is that the IRA used to call the news before a bomb went off to allow time for people to get clear if it was a civilian target.  This?  A … PA playing music between the “The vehicle will self destruct in -X- minutes, Please evacuate the area” …

I mean talk about the most polite and careful terrorists in the world.

Good on ’em

But then

What was the real objective?

‘Cos the Fibbies are going to lie and obfuscate

The Fuzz are going to do the song and dance

See why I like the way this guy reasons?!

The Feds always lie.

It’s the default setting

So, make of [the bombing] what you will, but to me?

An old “Iraq/Affy Hand” who’s been there done that?

My Weird Shit-O-Meter is pegged at an eleven

Literally… my shit sez “Does not compute, Error 503, Failure to Load”

And that bothers me

On a very significant level

Cause I’m the best planner and out-of-the-box wargamer/planner I know… there’s a couple others, whom I’ma gonna hit up in a day or two for consult.  Dis shit is unpresented.  A very specific target, the AT&T Comms relay point.  A very polite bomber who kindly warns everyone to GTFO now before the bomb goes off.  

Things that make you go Hmmmn indeed. …

Thanks to Bill Martin for sending the link to this fascinating post-mortem. 


12:42 pm on December 26, 2020