Sauce for the Kleptomaniacal Gander

Here’s a heartening twist: the folks at the Tax Revolution Institute are “launch[ing] … the first-ever independent audit of the IRS. … The audit will examine several areas of the IRS, including the Service’s treatment of individual taxpayers and small businesses, handling of its finances, expectations of IRS employees, work culture, and advice given to taxpayers. The audit will also cover IRS policies and their enforcement.”

TRI “urg[es] anyone with relevant personal experience of the IRS, or other information that may provide insight into any of the specified areas, to submit that information at” The group “will collect information from business owners, government employees, and any American taxpayers who have had any relevant experience — either positive or negative — with the IRS. TRI staff will research received submissions, file Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests, and examine IRS policy to determine how the IRS treats the American people.”

So go for it, all ye oppressed and persecuted! Exploit your chance to strike back at the thieves and predators who regularly rob us!


10:13 am on July 14, 2016