Rush Wrong Again

Like all the neocons who are jumping on the TSA bandwagon, after having cheerleaded the Republican police state, Rush Limbaugh makes no fundamental criticisms. He does make jokes, however. In a rerun I just heard, he said the Chertoff naked-radiation machines would show “if you needed to be circumcised.” In fact, if parents are not Muslims or Jews, and therefore do not have to circumcise for religious reasons, they should never allow their helpless baby boys to be mutilated in this fashion. It is pure child abuse–they do not even use anesthesia–with bad sexual and other effects. And the medical complex makes easy money off it, so all the more reason not to allow it. Parents, see Stephanie Murphy for the facts. Opt out of circumcision.

UPDATE from Mike Moskos:

The only appropriate term for circumcision is genital mutilation.


12:57 pm on November 20, 2010