Reason Is Pro-Injection

Writes a friend:

When I read what an editor of Reason had said on Washington Watch, I had to go and see for myself to confirm. The quotation you have may be a little bit off, but when I went here (account required), I heard Nick Gillespie indeed refer to “a liquidity injection, which everyone agreed was necessary and proper.”

I’m a subscriber to Reason and really enjoy their blog, but I’m well aware that they are not libertarians. Here’s a quick list of some of their staff and aspects I’ve noted in which they are not libertarian:

Nick Gillespie, Editor, and thinks liquidity injections are “necessary and proper.”
Matt Welch, Editor in Chief, Reason magazine: supported US invasion of Serbia, Justin Raimondo has an entire article on Welch here.
Katherine Mangu-Ward, Associate Editor – supported Iraq war.
Michael C. Moynihan, Associate Editor – supported Iraq war.
David Weigel, Associate Editor – supported Iraq war.
Ronald Bailey, Science Correspondent – vocal advocate of a carbon tax.
Michael Young, Contributing Editor – still supports Iraq invasion.

I don’t keep track of these things, so the others on the masthead may or may not be libertarian, but the more I read the magazine, the longer the list seems to grow.

Brian Doherty, of course, deserves recognition as a true libertarian and an enemy of the state. Granted, he does not take the Gutzman/Woods position on the Heller case and the 14th amendment, but that is not an issue that concerns the non-aggression axiom.


9:18 am on November 7, 2008