Profiles in Leadership

So it has finally come down to Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton (the nebbish nonentity Gary Johnson does not merit inclusion).

“Taking the State wherever found, striking into its history at any point, one sees no way to differentiate the activities of its founders, administrators, and beneficiaries from those of a professional-criminal class.”~ Albert Jay Nock, Our Enemy, The State

The concept of the State is the greatest criminal conspiracy ever perpetuated upon humanity. As Nock details in his book above, all States originate in conquest and exploitation, and as elite oligarchies, continue to exercise this monopoly of crime over their subject peoples through war, taxation, conscription, and indoctrination.

The great German sociologist Franz Oppenheimer, a decisive influence upon Nock and other cogent scholars of the origin and practice of this criminal institution, observed:

“The State, completely in its genesis, essentially and almost completely during the first stages of its existence, is a social institution, forced by a victorious group of men on a defeated group, with the sole purpose of regulating the dominion of the victorious group over the vanquished, and securing itself against the revolt from within and attacks from abroad. Teleologically, this dominion has no other purpose than the economic exploitation of the vanquished by the victors.”~ Franz Oppenheimer, The State

This has been the case in every State throughout recorded history. From the primitive city-states of ancient Sumer located between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers in Southern Mesopotamia, to the most sophisticated and powerful State-apparatus yet organized — that of the United States of America — presently engaged in an act of criminal conquest, occupation, and savage exploitation of those very lands and peoples in what is presently labeled Iraq.

When it comes to the State, there is truly nothing new under the Sun.

To persons studying history these documented facts are obvious and unchallenged. There is an unquestioned acceptance of the brutal and exploitative nature of imperial kingdoms of the past. These were regimes of criminal bands of warriors, slave traders, pirates and plunderers, who over the course of time, grew into dynastic ruling families and elite oligarchies, sanctified by ritual trappings and tradition.

One immediately thinks of murderous psychopaths such as Ramses II, Alexander the Great, King Herod the Great, Emperor Qin Shi Huang, Julius Caesar, Emperor Caligula, Emperor Nero, Empress Wu Zetian, Attila the Hun, Genghis Khan, Tamerlane the Great, Ivan the Terrible, Vlad Tepes, Countess Elizabeth Báthory de Ecsed, King John of England, Maximilien Robespierre, Napoleon Bonaparte, or King Leopold II of Belgium.

But when we come to regard modern or contemporary affairs, there is a great disconnect or discontinuity among most persons. Why is this so?

Look at the panoply of sociopaths and psychopaths below attracted to political power over the past 100 years:

V. I. Lenin, Benito Mussolini, Josef Stalin, Adolf Hitler, Mao Zedong, General Francisco Franco, Ho Chi Minh, Pol Pot, Hideki Tojo, Emperor Hirohito, Ismail Enver Pasha, Kim Il Sung, Nikita Khrushchev, Leonid Brezhnev, Saddam Hussein, Josep Broz Tito, Rafael Trujillo, Hafez/Bashar Al Assad, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, Robert Mugabe, General Jorge Videla, General Augusto Pinochett, Juan Peron, Idi Amin, Fidel Castro, Nicolae Ceaușescu, Manuel Noriega, Mengistu Haile Mariam, Yakubu Gowon, Jean Kambanda, General Yahya Khan, Ante Pavelic, Jonas Savimbi, General Mobutu Sese Seko, Charles Taylor, Foday Sankoh, Michel Micombero,  Haji Muhammad Suharto, Hassan Alturbi, Jean-Bedel Bokassa, Efrain Rios Montt, and Francois/Jean-Claude Duvalier (Haiti (‘Papa Doc’ 1957-71; ‘Baby Doc’ 1971-86).

Notice no names of American presidents on the list. Is this another case of gratuitous “American Exceptionalism?

The divisive and scandal-ridden political year of 2016, perhaps more than any year over the past six decades, proved that the presidential aspirants of both major parties drawn to political power were amoral sociopaths, obsessed with narcissistic domination and control over others.

In The Prince, Machiavelli described two types of leaders: lions and foxes. Lions use brute force and strength to gain and hold power; foxes are sly, crafty and manipulative and use these skills to gain and hold onto power. These 2016 worthies however, were a pack of duplicitous hyenas, set to scavenge what’s left after Obama’s ignominious reign is exhausted.

Now there are only two hyenas left standing: Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.

All governments are parasitic oligarchies dominated by craven elites which prey on the productive civil societies over which they maintain a monopoly of coercion.

This is a highly recognized fact and taken into objective scientific consideration by intelligence analysts, elite sociologists, and professional clinical psychologists as the following articles demonstrate:

How the CIA Profiles World Leaders

The CIA’s Secret Psychological Profiles of Dictators and World Leaders Are Amazing

Teasing Out Policy Insight From a Character Profile

The Central Intelligence Agency publishes and updates the online directory of Chiefs of State and Cabinet Members of Foreign Governments weekly. The directory is intended to be used primarily as a reference aid and includes as many governments of the world as is considered practical, some of them not officially recognized by the United States.

Regimes with which the United States has no diplomatic exchanges are indicated by the initials NDE.Governments are listed in alphabetical order according to the most commonly used version of each country’s name. The spelling of the personal names in this directory follows transliteration systems generally agreed upon by US Government agencies, except in the cases in which officials have stated a preference for alternate spellings of their names.

The secret of their success? How U.S. leaders from JFK to Roosevelt and George W Bush share character traits with psychopaths

Which of Our Leaders Are Psychopaths? A Voter and Shareholder Guide

How To Spot a Sociopath – 10 Red Flags That Could Save You From Being Swept Under the Influence of a Charismatic Nut Job

Does Our System Select for Incompetent Sociopaths?

The Disturbing Link Between Psychopathy And Leadership

Leaders Are More Likely To Be Sociopaths


7:54 pm on October 15, 2016