Professor Zvi Ish-Shalom Got His First COVID Vaccine, Now He Has a Permanent Headache

Apologies if you’ve already seen the very brief profile, but it was buried at the very end of yesterday’s Times article on the people not showing up for their second COVID treatment and hence easy to miss.  The Times indicates that supply problems are playing a role, but then there are these annoying hypochondriacs such as the professor who just claim to have been injured.  Exasperating!

Zvi Ish-Shalom, a religious studies professor from Boulder, Colo., had planned to get fully vaccinated. Then, an hour after his first shot of the Moderna vaccine, he developed a headache that hasn’t gone away more than a month later.

There is no way to know for sure whether the vaccine triggered the headache.  But after weighing what he saw as the risks and benefits of a second dose, Dr. Ish-Shalom reached a decision about how to proceed.

“At this point in time, I feel very clear and very comfortable, given all the various elements of this equation, to forgo the second shot,” he said.


5:42 pm on April 26, 2021