Politicizing Obscures Truth

Tom’s post concerning the “There is no evidence” refrain as a way of handling any effort to discern the truth of the election fraud is part of a general problem that now afflicts our country. We absolutely need truth but when something gets politicized, the truth is obscured or devalued. And nowadays, everything gets politicized.

No one can do or say anything in the public arena of any moment without having his or her motives questioned or without having to face some phony rejoinder whose aim is to disparage some political stance and to advance some other political stance. Thus, suppose Trump without ill motivation seeks an election fraud investigation, one motive being not to get cheated, another to clean up the system so that future elections are honest. Everyone should want honest elections and seek the truth. Instead the issue is politicized. The Trump opponents accuse him of everything under the sun. He’s embarrassing us. He wants to be a dictator. He’s turning us into a banana republic. He’s diminishing our world standing. He’s endangering the country, there’s no evidence of fraud, he’s a bad loser, etc. etc. etc. He’s even being accused of destroying our democracy. The goal of all of this politicizing is to obscure the truth about the election system and this election while feeding the ill will against Trump and his party. This game is joined not only by Democrats but by Republicans who think Trump has destroyed their party. Several Republican senators are all too willing to accept Biden and have announced that they look forward to working with him. Then there are the daughters like Liz Cheney and the McCain woman who nurse an everlasting antagonism. Allof these people who politicize everything are more than willing to sacrifice the public interest in clean elections to their own narrow agendas and their own petty hatreds and antagonisms. That’s what politicization means and what it does. It’s basically an act of disrespect whose foundation seems to be to advance one’s own agenda. It’s an effort to score political points, which seems to mean to arouse the feelings of some constituency. Truth and the general welfare don’t matter in this sort of thing.

Politics is peculiar in that the media build up people who have no claim to fame if they are merely the offspring of some famous politician. Conversely, if someone like Hunter Biden works wonders as part of a criminal family, the same media ignore it and bury it, or else the jerks running the big social media firms censor it. No one would think of acclaiming Picasso’s 4 children as great people, because their father was one who accomplished so much in the art world.


10:56 pm on November 22, 2020