Planetary Evolution of the Human Species: Benign or Coerced?

Since the end of the Second World War we have seen the development of divergent movements in multiple guises and formats (both overt and covert) that essentially are seeking a planetary evolution of the human species. To some of these futurist “change agents” this process was sought in a benign or uncoerced  fashion. To other actors the profound radical transformation must be implemented by the most intrusive and totalitarian intervention in human history. In the first category I would place the prominent Harvard psychologist turned major counter-cultural figure, Dr. Timothy Leary, with his pioneering SMI²LE formulation of Space Migration, Intelligence Increase, and LIfe Extension. Through the development of psychological techniques of mind control and cybenetics, the NASA driven exploration of outer space, and the “transhumanist” revolution made possible by the unlocking of the mysteries of DNA via biological and genetic engineering medical sciences, major strides have been made.

What we have been seeing played out on the streets of America, particularly in large Blue State metropolitan areas and dense urban cities is classic planned chaos and the “Strategy of Tension.” Unable to dislodge Donald Trump by the Russiagate hoax or the malicious soft coup impeachment process, his sworn enemies, using COVID-19 as their pretext, have turned to the destruction of the economy by repressive lockdowns, creating mass unemployment and annihilation of small businesses, thus fracturing civil society. The Biden regime, Democrats, elements of the deep state, and their complacent, compliant regime media pawns, turned to an age-old psy/war strategy to be wielded as an ax against Trump and his supporters as “domestic terrorists,” insidiously using the weaponized corpse of the slain George Floyd and the events of January 6, 2021 as the new rationale for these riots and insurrections, and the repression by the Biden regime.

Historically there has been a symbiotic correlation relationship between agent provocateur groups, infiltration by police informers, and the counter-terrorism forces of the deep state. The repressive security state has molded and used such witting (or unwitting) terrorist pawns or drones in covert activities to create a “strategy of tension” to instill fear and consolidate repressive power and control which would enhance strident calls for more intense police repression and clandestine surveillance of its subject general population. With countless decades of real-world experience and clinical research, masters of psychological warfare and mind control, expert manipulators and programmers of cult-like behavior, recruit those alienated arrested development post-adolescents and anti-social disillusioned vicarious thrill seekers who fit a susceptible psychological profile matrix and who relish vandalism, violence and destruction as a means of striking out at a world beyond the control of their misshapened lives. An ideological construct of direct action “anarchism” or “propaganda by the deed” is put forth as a purported justification for their aberrant thug-like terrorist behavior.

The willfully ignorant nihilistic mobs and savage looters are simply acting as pawns, the unwitting tools of the deep state “strategy of tension” in creating the pretext for the elite’s implementation of a New World Order of a corporatist Social Credit economy (based upon the Chinese model) with centralized political control in a totalitarian technocratic entity, with all pervasive mass surveillance by facial recognition databases and coercive regimentation. These invasive actions are running parallel with the transition to a cashless society with all financial transactions monitored through digitalized biometric identification using such technologies as fingerprints, hand geometry and retina scanning — ultimately a microchip electronic device implanted subcutaneously (subdermally). This is the global governance of the Great Reset.

In this time of unprecedented planned chaos, each of us must steel ourselves to understand, discuss and analyze the crucial global dimensions of what is scheduled to take place and how it plays into the technocrats’ plan to control the world’s resources and the tentative forced evolution of the human species.


3:13 am on October 17, 2021