Phony, Hypocritical, Dishonest, Sleazy Jill Stein

The woman who has been all over TV speechifying about the sacrosanct “integrity of elections,” and who raised a few million bucks to force recounts in states that Trump won, opposed the requirement of voter ID at polling places.  This of course is an obvious invitation to voter fraud by illegal aliens, who disproportionately vote for communists like Stein and Clinton.

As for all that money she supposedly “raised” for the recounts, we are supposed to believe that all those left wingers who sent her checks for $20 when she was running as the Green Party commie candidate are now sending her checks for $2000 or more (in order to have raised more than$8 million in a couple of weeks) after she got about a million of them to vote for her in the presidential election.


9:15 am on December 6, 2016