One of the Biggest Lies of the Left

Yes, I am actually criticizing liberals for a change and not conservatives. I heard some liberal on an NPR program the other day complaining that the reason why conservatives don’t like President Obama is because he is black. Although I am not a conservative, I despise Obama like they do, but probably for some different reasons. The last thing I care about is that Obama is black. I love reading the columns of Walter Williams and Thomas Sowell, both of whom are black. If I agreed with Williams more on foreign policy and I actually voted, I would vote for him for president in a heartbeat. Do I have any black friends? No, but I am open to it. If Obama were as black as the ace of spades (he is not since he is half black and half white), it would make absolutely no difference to me. I despise Obama for the same reasons that I despise Mitch McConnell—because they are warmongers, corrupt and lying politicians (are there any other kind?), crony capitalists, and welfare/warfare/police statists. And they both want to raise the minimum wage. The lie of the left that opponents of Obama don’t like the fact that he is black is, well, a lie.


11:36 am on May 28, 2015