Obama’s Monica Lewinsky Moment

No, there’s no stained cocktail dress (as far as I know).  I refer to the fact that, on the day of Monica Lewinsky’s grand jury testimony, President Bill Clinton ordered a missile attack on an aspirin factory in Sudan that he claimed was a “terrorist training camp.”  The U.S. government long ago admitted that it was, in fact, an aspirin factory.  The janitor was killed.   It worked like a charm.  The lapdog media had a perfect excuse to ignore the Lewinsky testimony and focus exclusively on the bombing of yet another Third World country that cannot shoot back.

Fast forwarding almost two decades, I don’t think it is mere coincidence that the CIA Torture Report was released by the Democrats on the very day that one Jonathan Gruber, self-described “architect” of Obamacare (and former advisor to both President George H. W. Bush and Governor Mitt Romney), was scheduled to testify before a congressional committee.  The subject of his testimony was his public proclamations, now all over YouTube, that: a) It was necessary to lie, lie, lie about Obamacare to dupe the American public; b) that the law was intentionally so convoluted and impossible to understand on purpose in order to fool the public into accepting socialized medicine; and c) the American public is, in his word, “stupid.”  It worked like a charm; every news outlet in the U.S. front paged the CIA Torture report; only the neocons led with Gruber (before passionately defending CIA torture and murder).

The Democrats, especially, are scared to death of this guy because he foolishly revealed how ALL OF THEM think and act as communistic totalitarian ideologues.  Not much different from the fascist totalitarian ideologues “on the other side of the aisle,” as they say in D,C.

UPDATE:  Tim P. writes that when Jonathan Gruber spoke of “stupid voters” he must have been thinking of members of Congress since they were the only ones to have actually voted on Obamacare. After all, there was no national referendum on it.

But Michelle writes:  “Not so fast on stupid voters.  Congress exempted itself from Obamacare.”


11:07 am on December 10, 2014