Now I’ve Heard Everything

…women who have had the COVID vaccine are being shunned in the dating scene by potential partners due to issues with possible birth defects and infertility.

And so naturally,

Women in New York have started lying about their vaccination status because of widespread perception among men that they are infertile or will bear children with birth defects. One man, who wants to remain anonymous, said:

“In clubs, they claim they’re NOT vax’d. They say things like ‘Oh COVID is bullshit‘ or ‘I don’t want to try this new experimental shot‘.

However, after going out with them several times, the women finally admit they took the vax . . . and watch as most potential husbands leave them almost on the spot.”

Hey, if I were a guy looking over today’s nubile choices, virtually all of them ruined beyond repair by feminism, I’d walk away pronto. If milady’s Jab can protect men from a lifetime of heartache, well, there’s always a silver lining, isn’t there?

Thanks to Bill Martin for sharing this cautionary tale.


3:46 pm on January 5, 2022