Not That Your Disgust With the Corporate Media Could Mount Any Higher, But…

A blogger at Clinton Campaign Headquarters—sorry, at the Washington Post argues that Obummercare’s implosion (“The costs of insurance premiums for those in the nationally run Obamacare exchange would soar 25 percent on average in 2017 even as the number of plans to choose from would shrink drastically”) should be “a very bad development” for Hitlary. “Very bad,” indeed, because she’s “latched herself to President Obama throughout both the primary and general election” and now “the signature achievement of the outgoing Democratic president” is dramatically foundering.

If you wanted to make the case that Clinton represents an extension of the bad part of the Obama presidency,” he adds, “this is a gift of epic proportions. EPIC.”

But the reason Rethuglicans can’t exploit this “EPIC gift” is because The Donald is their nominee. And he’s famously “spent the last few weeks dealing with allegations of sexual harassment from 11 women and a hot mic tape in which he made a series of lewd comments about women.” Oh, really? And why has Mr. T wasted so much time on those “allegations”? Isn’t it because shills such as the WaPo, in its rabid, obvious, and nauseating fervor for Hitlary, published and continues harping on every innuendo and unsubstantiated rumor against Trump?

Nope, not according to this bizarre blog. Rather, “Trump”—not the media—“has made the election a referendum on him.”

Wow. Talk about utterly, insanely delusional…


3:25 pm on October 25, 2016