Nonsense to Faux-chi is “Common Sense”

Many of you have been laughing yourselves silly over the Masked Morons’ latest lunacy of double masking. Yes, to the blissfully ignorant, that means precisely what you fear: the Moron dons two masks in his quixotic quest to escape contamination from a virus that may not even exist, or, if it does, kills an infinitesimally small number of its victims.

This folly first surfaced about a month ago; several dozen of you were kind enough to forward articles to me about it. Dr.  Mengele–sorry, Fauxchi, babbled, “So if you have a physical covering with one layer, you put another layer on, it just makes common sense that it likely would be more effective.” And Morons nationwide followed the quack’s lead. Yep, that’s the same quack who promoted the “gain-of-function” research into viruses that unleashed the plandemic in the first place (a calculated crime against humanity for which he should hang. Note that the substantiating article to which I linked appeared in Newsweek, about as Establishment a rag as possible. And even Newsweek admits Mengele’s evil).

Now Jerome Barber informs me that the propagandists at CNBC have gone Mengele one better: they’re promoting three masks! And I for one heartily second that. In fact, may I suggest four? After all, if three prevent 90% of germs from reaching you, as CNBC baselessly alleges, then four or even five ought to keep 100% out of your nasal passages, right? Once you’ve strapped all those loops around your ears, finish up with a piece of clear plastic, out of an abundance of caution, as Our Rulers so often prate. Wrap it tightly around your entire head, including your eyes (see why I recommended clear plastic?). IMPORTANT: COMPLETELY COVER YOUR NOSE AND MOUTH. And naturally, if one layer is good, two or three are even better. (By the way, this idea isn’t original to me: 10 or 12 Sharp Minds out there among LRC’s readers have sent me this suggestion.)

Yo, People With Functioning Brains: urge the Masked Morons you know to follow my advice. Hopefully, they will thereby rid the world of their unfathomable stupidity.


11:29 am on January 27, 2021