A Non-Substantive Response to Mike Rozeff on Fractional Reserve Banking.

My friend Mike Rozeff (https://www.lewrockwell.com/lrc-blog/copying-banknotes-panarchy/) thinks fractional reserve banking is legitimate, and criticizes me for failing to agree. I don’t think this, LewRockwell.com, is the proper venue to thrash out such complex issues, where libertarians of impeccable credentials, such as he, disagree with other equally qualified Austro-libertarians. I again invite him to take to task in a more systematic way those Austro-libertarians, including me, who regard fractional reserve banking as fraudulent per se. I again offer him a large target to which he can respond.

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Dr. Joseph Salerno Explains Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Money (But Were Afraid to Ask)


4:59 pm on May 6, 2017