No Kidding About Masks’ Harm

Dr. Steve Athanail endorses Mr. Anonymous’ observations about kids and masks:

I thought I was imagining it, because I’ve always had a fondness for kids. I fathered 2 boys. My patron saint (name Styllianos) in the Greek Orthodox faith is the “protector of children.” I am a family physician who cares for children. Lately it seemed to me that toddlers and older infants whom I had never met before would catch my eye on the street, lock their gaze on my expression and then smile broadly. It has been an uncanny experience repeated several times. Your contributor from Kansas convinced me that I imagined nothing and that I experienced the obvious. Faces matter quite a bit to people from the day they are born.

Ergo, the sociopaths in office hope to erase our features.


5:50 pm on November 4, 2020