Nightmare in Orlando

Laurence and Butler, what has happened to the decline and degeneration of the Libertarian Party, both with its abysmal array of presidential candidates and its rank and file membership at the 2016 LP National Convention, is even worse than my biggest nightmare, as reflected in the above egregious videos.

Imagine presidential candidates who have never heard of, or read, Murray Rothbard!

Imagine the serious problem of credibility the general public would have with Catholic theologians who have never heard of, or read Augustine or Aquinas; or English literature professors who have never heard of, or read Shakespeare; or an auto mechanic who never heard of, or read Chilton automotive repair manuals.

One only wishes that the discussion in the videos had focused on the primacy of the non-aggression principle as the societal foundation of social interaction instead of other somewhat ancillary or peripheral issues. But this is Libertarianism For Dummies, dumbed down for YouTube by Reason TV to the lowest common denominator, an ideology for Idiocracy.

How many present LP candidates, members, and supporters would adhere to, or even recognize, this strategic vision which was once the core bedrock of the Party?

In the videos above, the one guy who really. . . really got to me was the one who cryptically said “if you want the Republican Party to be better, more like William F. Buckley, then vote Libertarian.” William “Freakin” Buckley!!!


6:44 pm on May 28, 2016