News Flash: The United States Military Doesn’t Kill Anyone

Anti-“Semite” Semite Helen Thomas questions then-Puppet-in-Chief Dumbya Bush’s Press Secretary Dana Perino about the people who have been killed by the U.S. Military in Iraq. Listen (at around 1:00) to what Perino says about the suggestion that the United States Military kills anyone. (Seconds later, like any good doublespeak political lackey, Perino backtracks after the unflappable Thomas ignores Perino’s absurd statement and asks her question again.) If someone died in 1976 and came back to life almost 31 years later, he would swear that he was watching a Saturday Night Live skit. [SIDE OBSERVATION: It’s nice to know that it is an “honor and a privilege” to be in the International Banksters’ Puppet-in-Chief’s Propaganda Briefing Room.]

[Thanks to Don Cooper]


6:01 am on September 11, 2010