New York’s Mafioso-in-Chief Is At It Again

The execrable Andy “Throw-The-Sick-Elderly-Into-Nursing-Homes-So-They-Infect-Residents-And The-Plandemic-I’m-Exploiting-Hikes-Its-Body-Count” Cuomo threatened President Donald Trump should the latter visit his hometown of New York City: 

He can’t come back to New York. He can’t. He is going to walk down the street in New York? Forget bodyguards, he better have an army if he thinks he is going to walk down the street in New York.”

“He can’t have enough bodyguards to walk through New York City, people don’t want to have anything to do with him…”

Yo, Andy: it’s you people want nothing to do with. After all, how many cronies took you up on your offer to buy them a drink and cook dinner if only they’d return to New York so your tax-thieves can continue fleecing them? Zilch, zero, nada? Pretty telling, Andy.

I’m no fan of The Donald, but at least he makes me laugh rather than upchuck. And when I look at him, I see some goodness there, even if it’s buried under poor advice from the swamp-critters around him.

You, on the other hand, are a spawn of the devil, a despicable bully, and the most loathsome, cruel and corrupt politician since… since… hmmm: you may be the most loathsome, cruel and corrupt politician ever. And the competition is stiff.


12:03 am on September 4, 2020