More Thrilling News!

Not only will an unmasked Santa provide kids with a traditional and very human experience at Walls of Books, but articles of impeachment against Ohio’s unspeakable tyrant, Comrade Mike DeWack–um, DeWhine–ah, DeWine were filed earlier this week!

“Governor DeWine’s mismanagement, malfeasance, misfeasance, abuse of power, and other crimes


include, but are not limited to, meddling in the conduct of a presidential primary election, arbitrarily closing and placing curfews on certain businesses, while allowing other businesses to remain open,” [state Rep. John] Becker said in a statement.

Deliciously, Becker is from the same political party as DeWack: Rethuglican.

“He weaponized the Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation to bully and harass businesses and the people; to enforce a statewide mask mandate and other controversial measures of dubious ‘value,’ making Ohio a hostile work environment,” the lawmaker said.

I’m already heating the tar and ripping open pillows so as to greet ol’ Mike properly when he’s ejected from office!


8:53 pm on December 3, 2020