More on Masks, Unfortunately

I know, I know: you’re as sick of masks as a topic as I am. But so long as busybodies like “CNBC’s Jim Cramer” are out there, we continue needing ammo in our war to remain (somewhat) free: this Nervous Nellie “told CNBC on Monday that a national mask mandate is critical for the large-scale resumption of business travel during the coronavirus pandemic.” (Notice his naked face in this broadcast.)

So here’s yet another study refuting the dominant story that a mask protects against the Black Death–sorry, COVID19.

Meanwhile, most of the Masked Morons apparently overlook this detail about their newest toy as well: “Masks get saturated with moisture from the mouth and nose after about 20 minutes. Once they’re wet, they no longer form a barrier against viruses trying to come through or exit.”

“Or exit.” Think about that. The gentleman who sent me both these stories boasts a scientific background; he’s so knowledgeable in his field of “injury biomechanics” that he’s testified in court as an expert witness all over North America. And he phrased that idea this way: “The face mask is a petri dish for growing pathogens. Why should people be required to wear biomedical waste on their face and expose others to this toxic brew?”

He also “checked the CDC website. They warn that any employee must immediately wash hands after even touching the mask. I see employees of supermarkets fiddling with their masks all the time. They are transmitting viruses and bacteria to everything they touch thereafter.”

Eeeewww. So all you clerks can quit giving the Great Unmasked dirty looks.

At this point, studies abound proving the dangers of constantly sporting a mask, both to the wearer and to others. The politicians issuing these decrees prize their own power above all else; they couldn’t care less about imperiling us, so long as their reign continues. And the folks who obey their edicts despise facts and logic; they run on emotion, as Our Rulers well know. The serfs want to feel good about themselves. Politicians’ ceaseless injunctions to “protect others” resonate far more loudly with them than do any pleas to respect freedom. Then, too, masks are a very visible and relatively simple way for a True Believer to broadcast his Marxist faith in Leviathan.

Think of masks as the State’s version of a gold cross on a necklace.


10:44 am on June 25, 2020