More Feeble Attempts To Justify The Most Base and Criminal Aggression The World Has Ever Known

“Political language… is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.”
— George Orwell

“Taking the State wherever found, striking into its history at any point, one sees no way to differentiate the activities of its founders, administrators, and beneficiaries from those of a professional-criminal class.”

~ Albert Jay Nock, Our Enemy, The State

The concept of the State is the greatest criminal conspiracy ever perpetuated upon humanity. As Nock details in his book above, all States originate in conquest and exploitation, and as elite oligarchies, continue to exercise this monopoly of crime over their subject peoples through war, taxation, conscription of people and resources, and indoctrination.

Daniel J. Mahoney’s The Statesman as Thinker is yet another attempt to rationalize and further pacify and indoctrinate people to acceptance of this brutal reality. Read these duplicitous co-conspirators to this false narrative below:

The Lost World of Statesmanship  —  Law & Liberty editors

Law & Liberty Senior Writer Daniel J. Mahoney’s new book, The Statesman as Thinker, offers sketches of some of Western civilization’s most notable statesmen and considers what virtues made them great. Men like Cicero, Burke, and Churchill displayed the virtues of the classical great-souled man, but they also drew from Christianity an instinct for moderation. Four Law & Liberty contributors offer their thoughts on Mahoney’s book, and an inevitable question arises: Is statesmanship still possible?

Carson Holloway, A Cure for Demagoguery

A true statesman shepherds his people through the maelstrom of political passion.

Samuel Gregg, A World Bereft of Statesmanship

The word “statesmanship” doesn’t leap to mind these days when we think of places like Washington D.C., Jerusalem, Brussels, London, Paris, or Berlin.

Brian A. Smith, Where Have All the Statesmen Gone?

If we are to see great statesmen again, it will require a generational effort—one that must take place largely in civil society and the home.

Richard M. Reinsch II, Exemplars for the West

How do we ascend from our “culture of repudiation” to the kind of great statesmen that Mahoney profiles in his book?


10:56 am on June 21, 2022