Fire and Fury…

… like the world has never seen.

Those are the words Trump used today in the escalation of threats between the US and North Korea. North Korea will be met with fire and fury “the likes of which this world has never seen before.”

Trump has all the verbal poise of Anthony Scaramucci and the good judgment of… well, of Kim Jung-un himself.

Like the world has never seen? The world has seen some pretty horrific encounters. Does Trump, with his size compulsion (biggest ratings, biggest poll numbers, biggest inauguration crowds), intend to top the world’s most murderous episodes with the biggest conflagration of them all?

It is chilling to remember Trump repeatedly asking his advisors during the campaign why he shouldn’t be allowed to use nuclear weapons.

Can Trump be stopped from unleashing a nuclear calamity, especially without a declaration of war?  Surely he can’t stretch the 2001 AUMF in Iraq all the way to Korea since only in the fevered fantasy of David Frum was North Korea somehow complicit in the 9/11 attack.  But of course lack of legal authority never stops Empires.

If Trump can’t be stopped by the Constitution, can he be stopped by Congress?  Certainly not by the senators the passed the Russian sanctions measure by a 98 – 2 margin.

Can he be stopped by the people the way Obama’s rain of Tomahawks on Syria was stopped?


6:33 pm on August 8, 2017