Isn’t Soliciting Minors a Crime?

Wayne General Hospital claims it is “[d]edicated to providing quality health care for residents of Wayne County and surrounding areas of Southeast Mississippi and Southwest Alabama.” That would explain its hosting of a

Student Tik Tok Contest  for persons between the ages of 12-19 … to encourage them to become vaccinated against Covid-19. To participate, contestants must submit a Tik Tok video showing themselves getting vaccinated or include a creative message explaining why they were vaccinated and why others should be vaccinated.

Yep, the sociopaths have plumbed new depths. I don’t know which is more infuriating: their preying on teens whom the Jab will ruin for life, or their harnessing these gullible kids to propagandize others.

Said sociopaths are also cheapskates whose picayune prizes resemble Krispy Kreme’s measly donut more than they do Ohio’s munificent $1,000,000: “Three winners will receive: 1st place $100, 2nd place $50, 3rd place $25.

Yo, “Persons”: tell ‘em it ain’t enough.

Or, in the words of Anthony Powell, who forwarded this execrable story, “Our local hospital is participating fully in all the stupidity. They are ignorant, misinformed and misguided, but they will still ultimately be held responsible for this wickedness.”

Break out the nooses.


5:22 pm on September 22, 2021