I realize I am a bit late to the game on this, but we went to see the Mel Gibson “comeback” film Hacksaw Ridge this evening while visiting family in California. More than an hour after the film has ended I am still shaking. I would say it is one of the — if not the — most powerful antiwar films I have ever seen. Mel Gibson has revealed himself as not only a master storyteller — as we know, it is a true story — but also a master at taking the audience by the hand, gripping tight, walking it through laughter, boyhood, joy, sadness, broken families, before tossing us so deeply into the horrors of war that the only caveat in my recommendation is that the film is absolutely not for the faint of constitution. I am not that, but as I say, I am still shaking.
What is among the most important points in the film from my perspective is that it is main character Desmond Doss’s Christian faith and deep understanding of Jesus’ message in the New Testament that convinces him that war is immoral. Period. So powerful.
If this film does not win Best Picture, the MPAA is insane.
9:22 pm on November 26, 2016