Energized by a Federal Worker

Writes Derrick:

Lew, I wanted to compliment you on your performance on the Ron Smith Show on WBAL. I listened to the interview several times and promoted it among my friends and family and on Twitter. The interview made such an impact on me largely due to your skillful debate with “Bill the parasite.” In the interview you pointed out how eloquent Ron Paul can be and how energized he becomes when attacked, but I marveled at the way you demonstrated those same attributes in the face of criticism.

I actually feel “Bill the parasite” is due some appreciation for bringing that performance out of you. Your impromptu defense of your positions in the face of Bill’s arguments was flawless and satisfying in a way that I didn’t think philosophy or debate could be. The sensation I experienced upon listening the first time was surreal, not unlike that I experience when watching an outstanding performance by Stevie Ray Vaughan or Tiger Woods. Not only did you elaborate and hash out the intellectual foundation that your previously expressed opinions were built on, but in a masterful exhibition of your working memory, you responded to each of Bill’s points, refuting them in turn, all without stuttering, or repeating yourself.

I was, and remain, truly impressed. How lucky we are in this time to have individuals such as yourself and the contributors to your website to carry on the education of the masses converted by Ron Paul’s campaign.


2:45 pm on January 18, 2012