Don’t Look to the States To Save Us from the Feds

In article on the Obamacare “tax,” Joe Wolverton in the New American makes a good observation about the states:

How has our Republic become an elected tyranny? Sadly, the states and the people have sat idly by as if in a stupor while those who would destroy freedom and our Constitution have passed one after the other law exceeding the boundaries of power set in our founding document. The saddest fact, however, is that not only has Congress passed unconstitutional laws, the president issued despotic edicts, and the Courts upheld every unimaginable expansion of federal power, but the states have obeyed these orders as if heeding their master’s voice.  The states have become mere administrative units of the federal government. They have allowed themselves to become such. They may occasionally pull at the leash or nip at the hand that feeds them, but they slaver over the scraps handed them by their federal masters.

State (and local) tyranny is just as great as federal tyranny. It is state governments that pass or try to pass nanny state legislation. It is local cops who mainly carry out the war on drugs. Government at all levels is the enemy of freedom.


8:03 am on August 11, 2012