Don’t Give Them Any Ideas

“…[T[he use of dead children by politicians” to gain points for or passage of their diktats, such as “The Jacob Wetterling Act,Megan’s Law …,  The Adam Walsh Act,” infuriates Rick in Oregon. He damns such rulers as “necrophiliacs and child abusers, who urinate on these corpses to gain sympathy for their tyranny.”

He also notes how “surprising” it is 

that we haven’t yet seen the introduction of a mask law named after some poor leukemia suffering child who tragically dies from cancer but not before having tested positive for covid. Everyone surrounding her will have been mask-wearers but that won’t stop those necrophiliacs in the legislatures from making claims that their law will protect children from those people in the US who refuse to surrender their liberties. The fact that there aren’t any victims has never stopped these sickos from passing draconian laws.

Reason #524,981,632,709,003 to loathe Leviathan.


1:49 pm on September 15, 2020